
2 Feb 2022
The amendments made to the non-arm’s length income rules to include the concept of non-arm’s length expenditure took effect from 1 July 2018. However, despite nearly four years passing, an ATO draft ruling, consultation period, finalisation of the ATO’s ruling, there still remains significant concerns on the wide reaching effect of these 2018 amendments and particularly the potential dire tax outcome for a superannuation fund that has non-arm’s length expenditure.
31 Jan 2022
One of the measures to come out of this year’s Federal Budget and is included in a Bill recently introduced into the lower house, is the proposal to remove the $450 monthly threshold for employer superannuation guarantee (SG) liability.
5 Jan 2022
Follow your path to find out if your fund needs an actuarial certificate for income years on or after 2017-18.
3 Jan 2022
During end of year planning for self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) one way to provide distinct value for your SMSF clients is to ensure that they do not become liable to pay any unnecessary tax.
6 Dec 2021
With a Federal election to be called next year, time is of the essence for superannuation related measures, draft legislation and Bills to be passed into law.
6 Dec 2021
Treasury has released exposure draft regulations and explanatory statement to make minor and technical changes that address unintended outcomes arising from the inability of recipients of certain non-capped defined benefit income streams (that were commenced on or after 1 July 2017) to address excess transfer balance amounts.
21 Nov 2021
Treasury has confirmed that the proposed increase to the cut-off age from 67 to 75 for the bring forward rule for non-concession contributions will allow individuals approaching 75 years of age to bring forward non-concessional contributions from future years (i.e. during which they will be aged 75 years or over). This is contrary to the initial intent of the proposed change and provides an opportunity for those approaching 75 to boost their retirement savings.
1 Nov 2021
In addition to the ECPI choice of calculation measure and introducing the ‘work test’ for personal deductible superannuation contributions, Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Superannuation Outcomes for Australians and Helping Australian Businesses Invest) Bill 2021, introduced to the lower house on October 27, 2021, included a number of other superannuation related matters.
1 Nov 2021
The 2021 Federal Budget included a proposed measure that from 1 July 2022, the work test would no longer be required to be met by individuals aged 67 to 74 for voluntary contributions like non-concessional contributions and salary sacrifice contributions.
26 Oct 2021
The Government introduced to the lower house on October 27, 2021, Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Superannuation Outcomes for Australians and Helping Australian Businesses Invest) Bill 2021 that includes six measures, of which five relate to superannuation.
19 Oct 2021
Accurium is delighted to announce it will be joining the CountPlus network. As of 1 November 2021, Key Management Personnel at Accurium together with CountPlus Limited will acquire Accurium from its current owners, Challenger Limited.

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