Companies, dividends & year end planning

22 May 2025 12:00PM – 1:15PM AEST

$213.64 +GST

The corporate tax system and franking rules are complex, and changes in recent years have made this area more difficult to deal with in practice. There are a wide range of specific problem areas that company clients face, particularly when they want to extract profits.

The Companies, Dividends & Year-End Tax Planning Webinar focuses specifically on dividend payment issues with the aim of ensuring that your clients are following the right procedures and are getting the tax treatment right. This includes the steps that need to be followed to ensure that Division 7A loan repayment arrangements involving dividends are effective for tax purposes.

What we cover:

This practical session is essential for any client-facing accountant involved with clients who use companies for business or investment activities.

  • When a company is allowed to pay a dividend
  • Determining when the dividend should be taxed in the hands of the shareholders
  • The conditions that need to be met in order to be able to attach franking credits to dividends and the situations when the ATO won’t allow dividends to be franked
  • Navigating the maximum franking rate rules
  • Managing the interaction between the company tax rate and franking rate rules
  • Using dividends to make Division 7A loan repayments – make sure the process will stand up to ATO scrutiny
  • Managing franking deficit tax issues and the concessions that can apply to private companies
  • Integrity rules that need to be considered when paying dividends


Registration to this event includes:

  • 1.25 hour (est.) webinar
  • 3 month access to Q&A embedded webinar recording
  • Reference notes
Rae Ni Corraidh Round

Presented by

Rae Ni Corraidh
Tax Adviser
Knowledge Shop

This webinar is presented by our partners at Knowledge Shop.

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