Death & terminal illness

Recorded live 7 Aug 2024

$179.55 +GST

Join us for an informative webinar on navigating the complexities of terminal illness and death within the superannuation framework. The session will cover:

Terminal illness

  • What is required to access funds and claim insurance?
  • How can benefits be taken and what are the tax implications?
  • Opportunities to plan ahead and set things up for beneficiaries


  • Understanding different beneficiaries and how tax might apply
  • Calculating tax elements and understanding impact of insurance
  • Understanding which beneficiaries may be able to receive a death benefit pension
  • Dealing with benefits paid directly from a super fund versus an estate

Registration to this event includes:

  • Recording and materials available to access for 3 months after the event 
  • SMSF Association accredited CPD certificate for 1.25 hours

Presented by

Jason Hurst
Technical Superannuation Adviser
Knowledge Shop

This webinar is presented by our partners at Knowledge Shop.

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Each education service purchase is for your use only and accessible through your individual account. Each live online education service will be provided with a unique session ID to join which cannot be disclosed, forwarded, or distributed to any other individual without Accurium’s written consent. No other individual will be authorised to access your education service unless that individual has purchased the education service and a unique session ID has been provided to that individual. In the event of unauthorised access due to the actions of the intended recipient, Accurium may suspend or cancel the access for the intended recipient any additional individual(s) may be held liable for additional fees associated with the unauthorised access to an education service. Accurium reserves the right to charge any unauthorised individual(s) who access your education service. In the unlikely situation that a live education service is cancelled we will refund you the full cost of your purchase. If a live service is postponed, we will provide written notification to you and reschedule the education service. Your original ticket will be valid for the rescheduled date. We will also provide the recording and associated materials if you are unable to attend the education service live at the new date/time. If you are unable to attend the education service live at the new date/time, you may request a refund of the moneys paid by contacting Accurium directly, with all requests to be considered on a case by case basis by Accurium in its absolute discretion. The General Terms and Conditions can be accessed here.