Div 7A: Latest developments/ATO targets

8 May 2025 12:00PM – 1:15PM AEST

$213.64 +GST

Division 7A is a perennial problem area and clients continue to face harsh tax outcomes as a result of failing to identify and deal with Division 7A issues. Common myths and misunderstandings around Division 7A often lead to clients paying more tax than they need to.

The Division 7A: Latest developments and ATO targets webinar focuses on the Division 7A issues that cause the most problems, including loans to related entities, integrity rules around repayments and unpaid distributions owed to corporate beneficiaries. We explain how to identify Division 7A issues and what needs to be done to prevent clients from being taxed on deemed unfranked dividends. As always, the small details can make a big difference.

We also take a look at the areas of Division 7A that have started to receive a bit more attention from the ATO. Practitioners and clients who fail to keep up could be in for a nasty surprise.

What we cover:

The Division 7A: Latest developments and ATO targets webinar explores the practical issues that practitioners come across time and time again, including:

  • Identifying when loans fall within the scope of Division 7A
  • Whether loans on commercial terms can escape Division 7A
  • Determining when unpaid distributions from trusts will be treated as loans and the flow-on impact this has on loan agreements and repayments
  • Clearing up the most common myths and misconceptions in this area
  • Understanding the interaction between Division 7A and section 100A
  • Helping clients who use sub-trust arrangements to manage the transition process
  • The Division 7A issues that are often overlooked and how to deal with them


Registration to this event includes:

  • 1.25 hour (est.) webinar
  • 3 month access to Q&A embedded webinar recording
  • Reference notes
Michael Carruthers round

Presented by

Michael Carruthers
Tax Director
Knowledge Shop

This webinar is presented by our partners at Knowledge Shop.

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