Family trust elections

1 May 2025 12:00PM – 1:15PM AEST

$213.64 +GST

Family trust elections can be a vital tool in protecting trust losses, company losses and franking credits but can also cause significant tax problems for clients if they are used incorrectly. Once a mistake has been made in this area it is very difficult to fix the problem so understanding the rules and the key risk areas is crucial.

The Family Trust Elections Webinar will help your clients take advantage of the rules without triggering penalty tax rates under the family trust distribution tax rules.

What we cover:

While the family trust election rules have been in place for many years, practitioners still find the rules confusing and are not always sure when elections should be used or the best way to use them. The Family Trust Elections Webinar helps to clarify when and how to use them correctly. 

  • When family trust elections should be used
  • Who can (and should) be the test individual for the election
  • How to work through the family control test
  • The timing rules for putting an election in place
  • When retrospective elections can be made
  • How to determine whether interposed entity elections are required
  • The hidden dangers of using interposed entity elections
  • ATO guidance on penalty tax for family trusts
  • When elections can be revoked or varied


Registration to this event includes:

  • 1.25 hour (est.) webinar
  • 3 month access to Q&A embedded webinar recording
  • Reference notes
Michael Carruthers round

Presented by

Michael Carruthers
Tax Director
Knowledge Shop

This webinar is presented by our partners at Knowledge Shop.

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