Superannuation: Death, terminal illness & disability

Recorded live 31 July 2024 & 7 August 2024

$359.09 +GST

Managing incapacity

Death & terminal illness

Dealing with the death, terminal illness or disability of a superannuation client requires an understanding of a range of complex areas – conditions of release, taxation and insurance.

The Superannuation: Death, terminal illness & disability webinar series demonstrates how to ensure funds are directed to the right people at the right time in the most tax efficient way.

We work through a series of scenarios covering what medical documentation might be required, how the conditions of release work, in what form funds be accessed, and how to deal with insurance proceeds in the superannuation environment while ensuring that your client or beneficiaries receive the proceeds in the most tax efficient manner.

It’s an essential and practical webinar that provides the framework for how to work through the issues and achieve the best possible outcome for clients.

During difficult times clients are inclined to make rushed decisions based on emotion. Working with an adviser who understands these areas in detail can add enormous value. We show you how.

Registration to this event includes:

  • Recordings and materials available to access for 3 months after the event 
  • SMSF Association accredited CPD certificate for 2.5 hours

Webinars in this series include

Managing incapacity

Wednesday 31 July 2024 12:00PM-01:15PM AEST

Death & terminal illness

Wednesday 7 August 2024 12:00PM-01:15PM AEST

Presented by:
Jason Hurst
Technical Superannuation Adviser
Knowledge Shop

Jason is an experienced commentator, presenter and writer on superannuation and retirement. He specialises in breaking down complex technical concepts for professional advisors and their clients. He has over 20 years’ experience in the wealth and retirement sectors, working with accountants and advisers to build their technical skills in superannuation, retirement, Insurance, social security and age care, and enjoys helping to provide the tools to articulate these concepts in a simple and easy to follow way to clients. Jason also works with the Financial Planning Association (FPA) as a subject matter expert for the CFP 5 program and a technical student mentor to those undertaking the CFP courses. He has a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Newcastle and holds the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation.


Presented by

Jason Hurst
Technical Services Manager
Knowledge Shop

This webinar is presented by our partners at Knowledge Shop.

Can't attend all sessions live?

It's ok, we provide recordings of all the live sessions so you can catch up later on at a time that suits you. You will have access to the slides and recordings for three months after each event.

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