Tax & motor vehicles

Recorded live 6 Feb 2025

$213.64 +GST

The ATO has increased its focus on deductions claimed by individual taxpayers, often resulting in additional scrutiny when deductions are claimed for cars and other motor vehicle expenses. Significant claims tend to put clients firmly in the ATO’s spotlight. The ATO has also been successful in cases before the courts and AAT.

The Tax & Motor Vehicles Webinar works through how to identify and apply the correct tax treatment to a range of scenarios involving motor vehicles. We look at what needs to be done to ensure that deductions can be claimed and who should claim them. We look at this area from the perspective of employees, business owners and employers to ensure that deductions can be justified.

What we cover:

Managing tax issues relating to motor vehicles can be tricky. We walk through the key rules and common problem areas.

  • Tricks and traps when applying the cents per kilometre and log book methods
  • The tax impact when the vehicle is held by a business entity but used by an individual (and vice versa)
  • Claiming deductions and GST credits for vehicles provided to employees under salary packaging arrangements, including under the new FBT exemption for electric cars
  • The ATO’s expectations when clients use utes and other commercial vehicles for work or business purposes
  • When clients do and do not have to apply the luxury car limit for depreciation and GST purposes, and
  • The specific rules that apply to chattel mortgages, hire purchase arrangements and luxury car leases

Registration to this event includes:

  • 1.25 hour (est.) on-demand event
  • 3 month access to Q&A embedded webinar recording
  • Reference notes
Rae Ni Corraidh Round

Presented by

Rae Ni Corraidh
Tax Adviser
Knowledge Shop

This webinar is presented by our partners at Knowledge Shop.

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