Tax practitioner breach reporting and beyond

Recorded live 30 Aug 2024

$213.64 +GST

Breach reporting, Code of Conduct, disqualified practitioners, and what it means to your practice

The PwC scandal has resulted in a swathe of regulatory changes for registered tax and BAS agents, which impact practices of all sizes. This webinar will cover reforms which came into effect on 1 January, 1 July and 1 August 2024, including:

  • Significant breach reporting requirements — What is a significant breach? When must I report my own breach? When must I report a fellow practitioner’s breach?
  • What are the mandatory disclosures I must make to clients — What is a material matter? How do I make the disclosure?
  • Correction of material misstatements — Do I need to report a client who does not follow my advice to amend?
  • New requirements when onboarding new employees and other workers
  • Record keeping and quality management systems — new requirements to ensure practice management procedures are compliant.


This webinar will focus on the practical implications on tax agents and their clients, including practical tips and resources to help practitioners comply. We will also consider the TPB’s preliminary public statements and its first public guidance on the new Code obligations, which were released on 6 August. 

Karen Vella round

Presented by

Karen Vella
Senior Tax Trainer
TaxBanter / Knowledge Shop

This webinar is presented by our partners at Knowledge Shop.

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