$360.00 +GST
This event is recommended for all professionals working with SMSFs.
This event was recorded live 17/08/2023.
This training provides 2.5 hours accredited by the SMSF Association. The Legislated CPD Hours breakdown for financial advisers is as follows:
The nature of an SMSF means it is common for transactions to involve related parties, it is also a fact that the ATO consistently identify issues with related parties are the most common contraventions reported in Auditor Contravention Reports, such as loans to members and trustees not separating their personal and business affairs from their SMSF. Dealing with related parties is one of the most common areas where we see professionals asking us for clarification and advice.
Consequently, it is very important to identify who is a related party of an SMSF and understand the rules which govern dealing with related parties. In this on demand training we will cover what you need to know to assist clients comply with the rules when implementing investments and other transactions in respect of their SMSF which may involve a related party. We will utilise real life case studies to explore scenarios of what can go wrong and how issues can be resolved.
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