Fast Facts

Updated October 2024 for financial year 2024-25, unless otherwise stated

Fast Facts is a comprehensive and easy to use online resource for finance professionals. It brings together useful rates and thresholds from a range of Government sources and is updated quarterly to provide you with the latest information. Bookmark this page to have this resource at your fingertips when you need it.

Tax-free amount of genuine redundancy or approved early retirement payment

$12,524 + ($6,264 x completed years of service)

Tax on life benefit ETPs (genuine redundancy, invalidity and
employment-related disputes) [4]

Taxable component Tax rate
Withdrawn prior to age 60
Up to $245,000 30%
Over $245,000 45%
Withdrawn at age 60 or over
Up to $245,000 15%
Over $245,000 45%
Tax-free component
Withdrawn at any age 0%

Tax on life benefit ETPs (resignation or retirement) [4]

Taxable component
Withdrawn prior to age 60
Up to lesser of: $245,000 and $180,000 less taxable income 30%
Amounts over 45%
Withdrawn at age 60 or over
Up to lesser of: $245,000 and $180,000 less taxable income 15%
Amounts over 45%
Tax-free component
Withdrawn at any age 0%

Tax on death benefit ETPs [4]

Taxable component
Paid to dependant
First $245,000 0%
Over $245,000 45%
Paid to non-dependant
First $245,000 30%
Over $245,000 45%
Tax-free component
Paid to dependant 0%
Paid to non-dependant 0%

Pay-in-lieu (resignation or retirement) of long service leave and annual leave [4]

Reason for payment % Taxable Tax rate
Long service leave accrued
Prior to 16 Aug 1978 5% MTR [5]
16 Aug 1978 - 17 Aug 1993 100% 30%
Annual leave accrued
Prior to 18 Aug 1993 100% 30%
Post 17 Aug 1993 100% MTR [5]
[4] Medicare levy of 2% is added to rates except where tax rate is nil.
[5] Marginal tax rate.