
14 Dec 2020
A question that is often asked is “Can I make a contribution to my super fund?”. This is the wrong question to ask. In fact, there are two questions that should be asked in relation to a superannuation contributions.
24 Nov 2020
For several years, breaching the in-house asset rules and the prohibition on lending to a fund member or a relative of a fund member or providing financial assistance to a fund member or their relative using the financial resources of the fund, have consistently been in the top three audit contraventions.
12 Oct 2020
The ATO has updated its guidance for when a dependent beneficiary rolls over a death benefit to another superannuation fund. Clarification has been provided that there is no requirement to include an element untaxed on the Death Benefit Rollover Benefit Statement (RBS).
7 Sep 2020
On 1 September the ATO released their awaited guidance on the transfer balance cap (TBC) assessment of commuted market linked and life expectancy (term) pensions.
19 Aug 2020
The Actuaries Institute Retirement Incomes Working Group has published a research note which looks at the importance of accurate calculations of life expectancies in retirement planning. Our very own Technical Services Manager, Melanie Dunn, assisted with this research and is passionate about helping retirees and advisers understand their longevity risk.
1 Jul 2020
SMSFs paying legacy defined benefit pensions require an actuarial valuation each year to ensure they remain solvent. Upcoming solvency tests will be based on asset values as at 30 June 2020. Despite a partial recovery in equity markets since the lows of March, prices have been impacted across almost all asset classes.
30 Jun 2020
Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar announced yesterday that the changes to exempt current pension income (ECPI) that were announced in the 2019 Federal budget have been delayed.
9 Apr 2020
With the 15 May 2020 deadline fast approaching for the 2018-19 SMSF annual returns (SAR) lodgement for many SMSFs, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has recognised that some accountants and auditors may require more time due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
24 Feb 2020
Various industry bodies, including the SMSF Association and the Tax Institute, have all raised the need for reform to help retirees trapped in legacy income streams in self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs). The Actuaries Institute has now joined the chorus for change with its own submission to Treasury.
28 Oct 2019
When an account-based income stream fails to meet the minimum pension standards required under Subregulation 1.06(9A) of Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR) it will not have met the requirements of being a superannuation income stream in that year.
28 Oct 2019
The 2019 financial year has ended, and it is now time to start thinking about finalising fund accounts, audits and submitting the SMSF tax return. A part of this process will be determining if the fund has ECPI, and if so, how much. For an unsegregated fund this will require an actuarial certificate. This article will look at the certificate application process and some of the issues that we see when clients submit their application.
21 Oct 2019
SMSF couples need $2 million in savings at retirement to be confident of affording a $100,000 p.a. lifestyle in retirement. The good news is that 40% of 65-year-old SMSF couples have saved enough in their funds to meet this aspirational lifestyle.

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