
1 Sep 2021
In July, the Government released a consultation paper on the long-awaited retirement income covenant. The aim of the new measure is to improve the retirement outcomes of Australian retirees by requiring the custodians of their savings, superannuation funds, to develop coherent retirement income strategies for their members. See our earlier blog for more details.
20 Aug 2021
Nearly two years since the ATO released their draft ruling LCR 2019/D3 to clarify how the 1 July 2018 amendments were to be applied in respect of NALE, we see the release of the final version of the ruling, as LCR 2020/2. The final version of the ruling was expected to address issues raised in many submissions by industry on the draft ruling and whilst it has addressed these issues, not all will be satisfied with the ATO’s responses. In particular, the ATO’s response to the issue of whether there is a nexus between expenditure that is general in nature and all of the fund’s income is not the outcome that industry has welcomed.
12 Aug 2021
Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No.6) Bill 2021 was introduced into the lower house on 11 August 2021. Schedule 3 to the Bill amends the 1997 Tax Act to remove the requirement for SMSFs and Small APRA Funds to obtain an actuarial certificate when calculating exempt current pension income (ECPI), where all members of the fund are fully in retirement phase for all of the income year.
20 Jul 2021
The Government committed in the 2018-19 Budget to introducing a retirement income covenant for superannuation trustees and consulted on the covenant in June 2018. Treasury released a position paper on 19 July 2021 that reflects the feedback from that consultation process and presents the Government’s refined policy, with the aim of guiding trustees ahead of the covenant being legislated and taking effect from 1 July 2022.
13 Jul 2021
A welcomed announcement out of this year’s budget was the proposed measure to allow those with certain legacy pensions to effectively cease them during a two-year period, which is expected to commence on 1 July 2022. Whilst the measure provides an escape route for those with these pensions which are generally non-commutable, there may be some traps along the way, as well as some being left behind. Let’s consider how this measure may be implemented and what traps could be encountered along the way.
24 Jun 2021
Whilst the focus may be on 2020-21 year-end matters for SMSFs, such as contributions being receipted and minimum pensions paid by 30 June 2021, there are a number of changes taking place on 1 July 2021.
17 Jun 2021
With the release of draft legislation by Treasury on 21 May 2021 for the previous Budget proposal to provide choice to superannuation trustees when determining the fund’s claim for exempt current pension income (ECPI) and to remove a redundant requirement to obtain an actuarial certificate when claiming ECPI for certain funds, it’s time to take a closer look at the implications of the proposed measures, both from a technical and practical application perspective.
31 May 2021
As the current 2020–21 financial year draws to a close, it's time for a quick fire health check to make sure your client's SMSF finishes the year with no compliance issues or missed opportunities.
26 Apr 2021
Changes to how exempt current pension income (ECPI) is determined announced in the 2019-20 Federal Budget are due to come into force from 1 July 2021. While draft legislation is yet to be released, the proposals suggest SMSF trustees will be given a choice over whether to use the proportionate method or segregated method when claiming ECPI for funds that are solely in retirement phase for a period in an income year.
21 Feb 2021
The Federal Government has proposed changes to the approach to claiming exempt current pension income (ECPI). Whilst these proposed changes are to commence from 1 July 2021, we are yet to see any draft legislation.
26 Jan 2021
The transfer balance cap (TBC) was introduced as part of the 2017 super reforms to limit the amount a person could transfer to a retirement phase pension, for example an account-based pension. The transfer balance cap started at $1.6m, however, legislation allows for the indexation of the cap in $100,000 increments in line with the All Groups consumer price index (CPI).
17 Dec 2020
The Federal Government released today its Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), noting that the delayed 2020 Federal Budget was only released on 6 October 2020. There was an interesting proposed change to enable the partial commutation of certain non-commutable pensions included in the MYEFO papers.

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