
25 Jan 2023
The general transfer balance cap (TBC) is the cap that determines how much an individual can transfer into retirement phase and will increase from the current $1.7m to $1.9m on 1 July 2023. This is the second time that the general TBC has been lifted. 
18 Dec 2022
Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 2) Bill 2022, which contains the reduction to the Eligibility age for a downsizer contribution, received Royal Assent in 12 December 2022). This means from 1 January 2023, a superannuation fund can accept eligible downsizer contributions from members who are aged 55 years and over. 
7 Dec 2022
The Accurium actuarial certificate application provides the ability to toggle between the election to apply ECPI choice or not before you submit and finalise the actuarial certificate application. This allows our clients to complete a comparative analysis of ECPI outcomes for a fund of applying ECPI choice or not. 
30 Nov 2022
In a recent update to the ATO’s website (QC 70859), the ATO reminds fund trustees that there are important steps to follow when they are amending a transfer balance account reporting (TBAR) or responding to the ATO Commissioner’s commutation authority (CCA). 
17 Nov 2022
As we roll into the festive season, well at least the supermarkets are (I’ve already had my fill of fruit mince pies!), it’s time to review SMSFs that have defined benefit pensions, particularly for those that are asset test exempt for Centrelink purposes.
15 Nov 2022
As at the end of June 2022 ATO statistics show over 41% of all SMSF members were aged 65 or older and may be considering their eligibility for Age Pension. Age Pension age has been steadily increasing over the past five years from 65 as we head towards an Age Pension age of 67 from 1 July 2023.
26 Oct 2022
The new Labor Federal Government handed down its first budget last night. As expected, there was a focus on measures to deal with inflation and the cost of living. The upcoming 1 July 2024 legislated personal income tax cuts have been left alone (for now) and there was an array of savings announced. Whilst there was speculation on changes to superannuation, including a potential $5m cap on the amount a person can have inside superannuation, there were no new superannuation measures announced.
17 Oct 2022
Non-lapsing BDBNs ... there is no debate. Our Head of Education Mark Ellem was joined by Matthew Burgess who presented a technical webinar to help attendees assess how their SMSF death benefit nomination stacks up.
4 Oct 2022
On 20 September 2022 the maximum Age Pension entitlement increased to $1026.50 a fortnight for singles and $1547.60 per couple ($773.80 for each member). The rates are indexed on 20 March and 20 September each year to maintain their value against increases in the cost of living.
21 Sep 2022
From an SMSF perspective, the new SIS regulations will allow a member to commute their market linked income stream (MLIS) (also known as a ‘term allocated pension’) to the extent of an excess transfer balance account amount included in a commutation authority. However, this new measure will only apply to an MLIS commenced on or after 1 July 2017.

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