
21 Aug 2019
In response to your feedback from our recent client survey we have implemented three new features in our actuarial certificate application process.
24 Jul 2019
The original guidance in our view was relevant to both a new death benefit income stream taken by an eligible beneficiary and a reversionary income stream that is paid to a beneficiary upon death of the original pensioner.
22 Jul 2019
Recently there has been some confusion around whether a death benefit income stream which failed to meet the minimum pension standards would be required to pay out the entire amount as a death benefit lump sum in order to meet the cashing requirements of paying a death benefit.
10 Jul 2019
For over a decade, the SMSF industry’s interpretation of existing legislation was that assets could only be segregated to support an income stream where the trustees of a superannuation fund had elected to do so. Following the 2016 Super Reforms, the ATO revisited its interpretation of the legislation and took a contrary view to the prevailing practice in the industry.
23 Jun 2019
To accommodate deemed segregation for the 2017-18 financial year onwards our actuarial certificate application form needed major updates and as a consequence the popular uniform transaction feature needed to be removed.
12 May 2019
As we head towards the 2018 income year deadline for SMSF tax returns on 15 May 2019, and into the time of year when you pull out all those complex SMSF cases left to last, we thought it an opportune time to highlight one of the key features of Accurium’s actuarial certificate system - how to do an amendment free of charge.

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